Certificate Course on Practical Accounting Under IAS 1, IAS 7 & IAS 12

Practical Accounting

Course Content

Course Duration

Course Details

A) Introduction
B) The recording Process
C) Source of documents
D) Transaction
E) Accounting Cycle
F) Accounting Equation
G) Determining Debit and Credit
H) Tabular Summary

A) Special Journal
B) General Journal
C) Practical Math Solution

A) Practical Math Solution

Trial Balance

A) Practical Math Solution
B) Adjusting & Rectifying Entries
C) Adjusted Trial Balance


A) Objective of preparing worksheet
B) Forms of worksheet
C) Differences between worksheet and Balance sheet
D) Practical Math Solution

Income Statement

A) Forms of Income Statement
B) Practical Math Solution

Balance Sheet
A) Classification of Assets
B) Classification of Liabilities
C) Classification of Capital
D) Practical Math Solution

1. Background of accounting standards
2. List of applicable IASs and IFRSs
3. Differences between IFRS and USA GAAP
4. Elements of the Financial Statements
5. Components of the Financial Statements
6. Accounting concepts used in Preparation and presentation of FS

7. Details discussion regarding information presented in
A) Statement of Financial Position
B) Statement of Profit and loss and other comprehensive income
C) Statement of changes in equity
D) Statement of Cash flows
E) Notes

8. Preparation of model financial statements

9. Objective of the statement of cash flows
10. Usefulness of cash flow as an analyst
11. Methods of preparation of cash flow statements
12. Types of activities in cash flow statements
13. Preparation of cash flow statement under direct method and indirect method with practical example.
14. Objective of preparing Bank Reconciliation statement
15. Methods of preparing Bank Reconciliation statement

16. Concept regarding Current Tax and Deferred tax
17. Calculation of current tax in Financial Statements
18. Treatment of over provision and under provision in case of current tax
19. Concept regarding deferred tax, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
20. Calculation of deferred tax with practical example
21. Deferred tax implication in case of item of other comprehensive income

This Course Is Best For

✔Head of Sales  ✔Import Export Executive, ✔Commercial Officer, ✔Executive director and CEO, ✔Production Officer, ✔CA & Law Firm, ✔Joint Director, ✔Logistics Manager, ✔Executive VAT, ✔Business Development Manager, ✔Finance Secretary, ✔Health and Safety Executive, ✔Head of Finance and Operations, ✔Business Owner, ✔Banker, ✔Income Tax Lawyer, ✔CA Students, ✔Business graduates,

Benefits of this Program

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